RCUH Financial System Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 7 – Search All Documents

Search All Documents has been added as a new feature in the RCUH Financial Portal. This new feature provides the ability to perform a search that looks at all Purchasing, Payment, and Travel documents combined in one search. It also provides the ability to search (by words, number, etc.) within certain fields in the documents.

We are in the process of reconfiguring the database to improve search capability. These changes will make it possible to do faster and more flexible searches in the future. In this initial phase, we are releasing basic search functionality so that you can have access to this feature immediately. In our next releases we will be gradually increasing performance and adding functionality.

Please refer to the attached release notes for further details.

Following are questions that were asked during the development and testing of the Search All Documents feature:

Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. What is the difference between Search Documents (Search PO, Search Payment, Search Travel) and Search All Documents?  I did a search in Search Payments and Search All Documents and my results were different.

The Search PO Documents, Search Payments, and Search Travel Documents will only perform a basic search on the fields in the listing screens (PO #, Payment Request #, Document #, Project #, Vendor Name, Check #, etc.).  The Search All Documents will search on the fields in the listing screens, in addition to searching within specified fields in the documents (Descriptions, Reasons for Payment, Internal Comments, etc.). For example, searching for “Dell” in Search Payments will produce a list of payments to vendor names that contain Dell, such as Dell, Inc. and Dell Marketing.   However, searching for “Dell” in Search All Documents will produce a list that may include payments to Bankcard Center for a Dell computer.

    1. The response time is slow.

In this initial release, results may take several seconds to appear. We are aware of this, and are in the process of improving the search performance.

    1. Why are there only 2 boxes to enter keyword search criteria (compared to 6 in the past)?

For the initial release of the Search All Documents, having fewer search criteria will help to improve the search performance. As we continue to make improvements, we will evaluate adding additional search criteria.

    1. Can we have the ability to “find exact word matches only”?

We will be adding this functionality in the future.

    1. Are we able to use wildcard search functions?

No. However, the search already performs a wildcard search in that it matches any one or more characters.  For example, a search for “UH” will match any text that includes UH, such as UH Bookstore or RCUH.

    1. Can keywords be highlighted in the document itself?

We may be adding this functionality in the future.  In the meantime, we suggest using the Find function in your web browser.

    1. When searching for amount, what format should I use?  In what field is the search looking at?

Enter the numerical amount with decimals, no commas.  For example, to search for a payment of $10,000.00, enter 10000.00 as your search criteria.  The search will look in the Amount field in the listing screens.  It will also search within specified fields in the documents (Descriptions, Reasons for Payment, Internal Comments, etc.). Since the search performs a wildcard search, a search for “10000.00” will match any amount that includes 10000.00, such as $210,000.00.  We expect that adding the ability to “find exact word matches” in the future will address this and enable you to find your specific document.

    1. When searching for a date, what format should I use? In what field is the search looking at?

Enter the date as month/day/year (MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, MM-DD-YY, or MM-DD-YYYY).  The search will look in the Check Date and Approved Date fields in the listing screens.  It will also search within specified fields in the documents (Descriptions, Reasons for Payment, Internal Comments, etc.).  It will NOT search in the Trip Itinerary Arrival or Departure fields.

If you have any additional questions or feedback, please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or (808) 988-8340.