Special Payroll Deadline for the 8/01 – 8/15/13 and 8/16 – 8/31/13 pay period

Due to the Statehood Day and Labor Day holidays, the payroll deadline times for the next 2 pay periods have changed.  The payroll deadline dates remain the same.



Pay Period Ending

Payroll Deadline

Online Timesheet Available

8/01 – 8/15/13

10:00am (instead of 12:00 noon) on Monday, August 19, 2013

8:00am on 8/14/13 through 10:00am on 8/19/13

8/16 – 8/31/13

10:00am (instead of 12:00 noon) on Tuesday, September 3, 2013

8:00am on 8/29/13 through 10:00am on 9/03/13



Should you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].



RCUH Payroll Staff