OSHA Revised Final Regulations & Impact on Hawaii Employers

TO: All RCUH Principal Investigators and Employees

FROM: RCUH Human Resources

On September 18, 2014, The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration released revised regulations for Injury and Illness Reporting. Effective January 1, 2015, OSHA is requiring that employers report work-related injuries that result in the following:

  1. Any in-patient hospitalization
  2. Amputation
  3. Loss of an eye

This OSHA update requires the above injuries to be reported within 24 hours. Parallel to the old requirement, work related fatalities and incidents involving the hospitalization of three or more employees are still required to be reported to OSHA within eight (8) hours.

Impact on Hawaii Employers:

Because HIOSH has not yet adopted OSHA’s revised regulations, Hawaii employers need not comply with OSHA’s reporting requirement changes. Since Hawaii rules have not been amended like OSHA to require reports of in-patient hospitalizations of just one employee (instead of three (3) employees currently required by Hawaii law), amputation, and loss of an eye, such reports need not be made by Hawaii employers.

In accordance with Haw. Admin. R. § 12-52.1-1, Hawaii employers should continue to report workplace incidents that result in death, hospitalization of three or more employees, or property damage in excess of $25,000 to HIOSH. The report must be made within eight (8) hours of the work-related incident.