RCUH will be providing training on the finalized changes to the RCUH Vacation Leave Policy and the new Vacation Reserve. We encourage all employees, PIs, Supervisors, and Fiscal Officers to attend. Your questions will be answered during this training session. Training will be in two parts. Part 1 (first hour) will be for employees, PIs, … Continue reading “Training – FINAL RCUH Vacation Leave Policy and Vacation Reserve”
To: All RCUH Employees (who have NOT consented to an Electronic W-2 Form) If you have not done so in previous years, we encourage you to consider consenting for an electronic W-2 form this year instead of a paper form. Why? You can view and print your W-2 form directly from the RCUH Employee Self-Service … Continue reading “Electronic W-2’s – ONLINE CONSENT COMING SOON!”
All RCUH HR Online Systems DOWN on Saturday, October 24, 2015 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
On Saturday, October 24, 2015 RCUH Human Resources will be moving our servers from Keller Hall to the UH ITS Building. As a result of this, the following HR online systems will be down from 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM: HR Portal Employee Self Service (ESS) Additionally, there will be a delayed response for all … Continue reading “All RCUH HR Online Systems DOWN on Saturday, October 24, 2015 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM”
TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions
ATTENTION: Regular status employees 50-100% FTE If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) plans administered through TIAA-CREF OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA-CREF SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA-CREF. During these … Continue reading “TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions”
Travel for Non-Immigrant Employees During Holiday Season
Holiday Season is approaching! If you are on a non-immigrant visa and will be traveling during the holiday season, we would like to remind you to email RCUH Human Resources – Immigration ([email protected]) at least two (2) weeks prior to your travel so that we can ensure that you have the proper documentation to travel … Continue reading “Travel for Non-Immigrant Employees During Holiday Season”