RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
1.310 Revolving Account Establishment
When it is determined by the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Manager (PM) and Fiscal Administrator (FA) that a revolving account is appropriate for a research and training activity, a request shall be made in accordance with University of Hawai‘i (UH) Administrative Procedure (AP) 12.204 Revolving Account Service Orders to RCUH.
Revolving account service order requests are subject to the UH and RCUH review/approval.
- Procedure
- PI/PM and FA shall complete the UH Revolving Account Service Order Request and provide the appropriate supporting documents as required.
- PI/PM and FA shall route the Revolving Account Service Order Request for the required UH reviews and approvals per UH AP 12.204 Revolving Account Service Orders to RCUH.
- After all required UH reviews and approvals have been obtained, the Revolving Account Service Order Request shall be routed to RCUH.
- Upon RCUH review and approval, a revolving account shall be established in the RCUH financial system.
- A copy of the fully executed Revolving Account Service Order Request shall be distributed to the UH Chancellor, the Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI), or their designee and FA of the account.
- Relevant Documents
UH AP 12.204 Revolving Account Service Orders to RCUH
UH Revolving Account Service Order Request
Date Revised: 01/08/2018