RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
2.211 Leases
I. Overview
The rental or lease of real property must be in direct support of research activities at the University of Hawai‘i. This policy relates to renting or leasing real property and does not apply to equipment, operating, or capital leases. No lease or rental of real property, including any interest in land, buildings, office space, laboratory space, and/or storage space may be entered into or be binding on RCUH unless the provisions of this policy and, if
applicable, Policy 2.302 Tax Clearance (Certificate of Vendor Compliance), are satisfied.
II. Responsibilities
A. Principal Investigator
Work with the vendor and the Fiscal Administrator in negotiating and drafting the lease.
B. Fiscal Administrator
Work closely with the Principal Investigator in negotiating and drafting the lease.
III. Details of Policy
All requests for real property leases, extensions, or renewals must be submitted and processed as follows:
A. Written Request – A written request shall be submitted to the RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager by the Project and must be accompanied by the following information:
1. A description of the real property to be leased, including general characteristics, the location, the proposed usage, and a statement addressing the adequacies of the infrastructure and the physical structure and how it meets the Project’s needs.
2. A proposed lease agreement, which includes any of the following documents are applicable:
a. Term of lease, which must be within the award period;
b. Monthly rental amount;
c. Responsibility for utilities, maintenance, custodial and/or grounds care;
d. Parking arrangements;
e. Responsibility for insurance of structure/building, operation, and general liability;
f. Responsibility for property taxes and other taxes and assessments; and/or
g. Termination provisions.
A simplified lease agreement may be used for leases with another agency of the State of Hawai‘i, including the counties. Contact the RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager to determine whether a simplified lease agreement is appropriate. The following link provides guidelines on the leasing of office space to ensure program access for persons with disabilities:
http://ags.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/1998-19-Policy-Guidelines- and-Procedures-for-Leasing-Office-Space-to-Ensure-Program-Access-for-Persons- with-Disabilities.pdf
B. RCUH Executive Director Approval – After review by RCUH Procurement, the proposed lease shall be submitted to the RCUH executive director for review and approval.
All leasehold improvements must also be approved by RCUH.
IV. Relevant Document
Policy 2.302 Tax Clearance (Certificate of Vendor Compliance)
Date Revised: 2/02/2017