Preview of New Procurement & Disbursing Policies

As previously announced on October 29, 2014, RCUH has been in the process of updating its Procurement & Disbursing policies. The policies are now available for viewing under 2.00 Procurement & Disbursing NEW Policies Effective 3/31/15. Note that the effective date of the policies has been changed to March 31, 2015, due to our postponement of the preview date.

In addition to what was previously announced on October 29, 2014, we would like to call your attention to Policies 2.005 through 2.012, which provide additional guidance regarding the tax treatment of payments. We will be holding training sessions on Policies 2.005 through 2.012 in the near future.

What was formerly known as the Attachments Index, located at the bottom of the old (current) policies, has been renamed the Document Library, and is located at the top of the new policies. For more details regarding the policy changes, refer to the Summary of RCUH Policy Changes.

If there are any questions regarding the changes, please contact Erin Yoda at (808) 956-3969 or [email protected].