RCUH Employees Who Drive Their Personal Vehicles for Work-Related Purposes

To: All RCUH Employees

Our insurance company is requiring that RCUH provide information about RCUH employees who drive their personal vehicles in the course of performing their employment duties, in order to continue our insurance coverage.  Please be aware that this includes all employees who drive, or have driven, a personal vehicle for ANY work-related purpose (this request is NOT only limited to employees whose official job descriptions include driving.

If this is applicable to you, we are requesting that you provide the following information about yourself:

  • Name
  • Driver’s license number
  • State of driver’s license issuance
  • Date of birth

For Example:

  • John Doe
  • H00123456
  • Hawaii
  • May 1, 1972

If this does not apply to you, you do not need to supply any information.

The information you provide will be handled by RCUH in accordance with the Federal Privacy Act and will only be submitted to RCUH’s insurance company for liability insurance coverage purposes.

1) fax your information to (808) 956-3822, OR
2) call in your information to (808) 956-3608.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please direct any questions to Erin Yoda at (808) 956-3969. RCUH Financial Services Department.