Vacation Forfeiture – “Use It Or Lose It”

Per section 8 of the 3.620 RCUH Vacation Leave Policy, ALL vacation hours in excess of the maximum allowable carry-over will be forfeited (at close of business) on December 31. There will be no vacation payouts from the RCUH Vacation Payout Reserve in lieu of these forfeitures.

To avoid the possibility of forfeiture of your earned vacation, be sure to plan your vacation schedule for the rest of calendar year 2015. Please remember that your Principal Investigator (or immediate supervisor) must approve your request for time off in advance.

What Do I Need To Do Now?

  1. Review your Vacation Balance and identify your vacation plan.
  2. You may view this information at the bottom of your online pay statements by accessing your Employee Self Service account.

    1. Click on Self Service
    2. Click on Payroll and Compensation
    3. Click on View Paycheck. Vacation information is on the lower right of the pay advice.
  3. Project your vacation accruals for the remainder of 2015 and add that to your “End Balance.” Regular Status employees at 100% FTE earn 7 hours of vacation per pay period. If you are less than 100% FTE, you should pro-rate your projected hours based on your respective FTE. There are 2 pay periods each month.
  4. Identify the maximum carry-over of your vacation plan:
    • Vacation Plan A: Employees may Carry-Over up to a maximum 80 hours (or 10 workdays) of vacation in a calendar year based on an employee’s FTE.
    • Vacation Plan B: Employees may Carry-Over 120 hours (or 15 workdays) of vacation hours in a calendar year based on an employee’s FTE up to a maximum cumulative of 360 Carry-Over hours (or 45 workdays).  The 120 hours and 360 hours is based on a full-time 100% FTE Regular status employee.

If you have any questions, please email RCUH Benefits at [email protected].