RCUH Employees on Maui Advised to Report to Work Monday, August 14

In alignment with the University of Hawai’i and State Offices, RCUH employees on Maui are advised to report to work on Monday, August 14 to the extent possible. Principal Investigators (PIs) and Supervisors are encouraged to allow employees who are directly affected by the wildfires to use accrued vacation leave, if available and requested. Employees may also be allowed to telework under their project’s applicable telework guidelines under UH or the State of Hawai’i.

For worksites that may not be accessible (e.g., no power, no water, impassable roadways, etc.), employees may be directed by their PI to report to another worksite as space is available.

For projects/individuals who require assistance with eTimesheets, please email [email protected] or call (808) 956-8900.