October 12 (9:00am HST) RCUH HR Webinar: What Pay Transparency Law Means for your Total Rewards Strategy

TO: RCUH Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Project Staff

Join the RCUH Human Resources Recruitment and Employee Benefits Sections for a 45-minute webinar on October 12, 2023 at 9:00am (HST): What Pay Transparency Law Means for your Total Rewards Strategy. Attendees will be provided with a handy reference one pager showcasing a potential total rewards package for employees.

  • Recruitment Section: Pay Transparency Law – truths and myth busters!
    Start planning ahead to stay compliant and ahead of the curve on upcoming recruitments.
  • Employee Benefits Section: New Employee Benefits Webpage launch and navigation! Gain better understanding of RCUH employee benefits and where to access resources (in a central location). Guide current employees, new hires, and potential new hire candidates to relevant employee benefits information and where to schedule appointments.

How does Pay Transparency affect you?

Hawai’i Governor Josh Green signed into law the pay transparency bill SB 1057. The objective of the law is to reduce pay inequalities and promote ongoing transparency. In case you missed it, please click here for the pay transparency announcement.

Effective January 1, 2024, RCUH will be required to disclose an hourly or salary rate in job listings that reasonably reflects the actual expected compensation for that role. In 2022, 91% of U.S. jobseekers that were surveyed said seeing a salary range on a job post impacted their decision to apply. How do your project’s salaries measure up? Don’t wait, start preparing now.

Employee Compensation Package: It’s more than just salary!

A “total rewards” package is the combination of compensation and benefits offered by an employer. This allows employees to consider salary in relation to the other benefits offered by RCUH.

A Gallup poll recently asked 13,085 U.S. employees what was most important to them when deciding whether to accept a new job offered by a new employer. Results showed the top factors that employees consider most important:

  1. A significant increase in income or benefits (64% said “very important”)
  2. Greater work-life balance and better personal wellbeing (61%)
  3. The ability to do what they do best (58%)
  4. Greater stability and job security (53%)

WEBINAR REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Please click this link to register. Registration will close at 8 AM (HST) on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please contact RCUH Human Resources at [email protected].