MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop Series – Tuesdays 12noon in April (April 9, 16, 23, 30) – Register now!

Level Up your financial education game with the MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop! This four-part series can play a fundamental role in directing your basic financial and retirement planning.  In its 15th year, Retirewise has offered over 14,000 workshops to more than 3,000 companies in all 50 states.

A broad spectrum of financial and retirement-related issues will be covered in these one-hour sessions, including budgeting, investment principles, Social Security, and estate planning – there is something here for everyone. Each session includes different topics and employees are able to choose which session they want to learn more about. However, to make the most out of this special opportunity it is recommended to attend all sessions, as each session build on the previous week’s content and employees will also be asked to do homework to assess their own personal finances.

 This virtual series is offered (at no cost) to all RCUH employees and registration is forthcoming. The workshop will be from 12noon – 1pm HST for the following Tuesdays in April:

  • April 9: Building the Foundation: Understand your financial and retirement planning basics by creating a budget, learn about compound interest, tax diversification and inflation.
  • April 16: Creating and Managing Wealth: Review the principles of investing including how to get started, different types of investments and their common risks and strategies.
  • April 23: Establishing Your Retirement Income Stream: Learn how to examine risks, manage assets and structure a retirement income stream to address your retirement needs and wants.
  • April 30: Making the Most of What You Have: Review your employer’s benefits and how they can fit into your plan while also covering estate planning, Medicare options and life and disability income insurance.

With Retirewise, you’ll be on your way to making smarter financial decisions and creating an action plan that works for you. 

Because these sessions are being held during the middle of the day, all employees should notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend. We encourage Principal Investigators and Supervisors to allow their employees to attend these sessions, if requested.

[Spouses and partners are welcome!]

Sign up today!

Contact RCUH Employee Benefits with any questions or concerns:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055

Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled session.