TO: Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Project Administrators
This is a reminder that the performance evaluations are due by Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Click here to access the form:
Pursuant to 3.410 RCUH 12-Month/Needs Based Performance Evaluations, all Regular-Status employees must receive an Annual Performance Evaluation. Please submit Performance Evaluations via the Project electronic upload (eUpload) feature in the HR Portal. Instructions for submitting the evaluations via eUpload are attached here.
The online PA/PAF (Pay Award/Personnel Action Form) to submit pay actions (award or adjustment) will be available via HR Portal from June 24 through July 10 for an effective date of July 1, 2024. We will provide an update once this is available.
Note for projects that follow the Federal fiscal year: Since the evaluation period is October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, evaluations will be due with a later deadline. A second round of the online PA/PAF application will be available in September for pay increases or one-time payments with an effective date of October 1, 2024. Additional information will be provided at a later date.
Please contact RCUH Human Resources if you have any questions regarding the Performance Evaluation process at (808) 956-7106 or [email protected]