RCUH Policies and Procedures
Benefits at a Glance for The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
Group Policy # 151730 Effective Date July 1, 2010
Group Long Term Disability Insurance
Group Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance from Standard Insurance Company provides financial protection for eligible employees by promising to pay a percentage of monthly earnings in the event of a covered disability.
The cost of this insurance is paid by The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii.
Eligible Employee
A regular employee of the employer who is earning $8,000 or more per month and working at least 30 hours each week. An eligible employee does not include a temporary or seasonal employee, full-time member of the armed forces, leased employee or an independent contractor.
Waiting Period Before Becoming Eligible for Insurance
None for those that meet the definition of an eligible employee on the group policy effective date. All other employees become eligible on the first day of the month following completion of their benefits probationary period.
Monthly Benefit
60 percent of the first $25,000 of monthly predisability earnings, reduced by deductible income (e.g., work earnings, workers’ compensation, state disability, etc.)
Maximum Monthly Benefit
Minimum Monthly Benefit
Waiting Period Before Benefits Become Payable
90 days
Standard Insurance Company 1100 SW Sixth Avenue Portland OR 97204
SI 13271-151730-C1 1 of 2 (6/10)
Definition of Disability
For the benefit waiting period and to the maximum benefit period for which LTD benefits are paid, you are considered disabled if you:
• Are unable, as a result of physical disease, injury, pregnancy or mental disorder to perform with reasonable continuity the material duties of your own occupation; or
• Suffer a loss of at least 20 percent of your predisability earnings when working in your own occupation.
You will no longer be considered disabled when your earnings from any occupation meet or exceed 80 percent of your predisability earnings.
Maximum Benefit Period
If an employee becomes disabled before age 62, LTD benefits may continue until the Social Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA). If an employee becomes disabled at age 62 or older, the benefit duration is determined by the age when disability begins:
Age Maximum Benefit Period
62 To SSNRA or 3 years 6 months, whichever is longer
63 To SSNRA or 3 years, whichever is longer
64 To SSNRA or 2 years 6 months, whichever is longer
65 2 years
66 1 year 9 months
67 1 year 6 months
68 1 year 3 months
69+ 1 year
Other Features & Services
• 24 hour coverage, including coverage for work-related disabilities
• Assisted Living Benefit
• Survivor Benefit
• Return to Work Incentive
• Reasonable Accommodation Expense Benefit
• Temporary Recovery Provision
• Waiver of Premium while LTD benefits
are payable
• Rehabilitation Plan Provision
• Employee Assistance Program
This information is only a brief description of the group LTD insurance policy sponsored by The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii. The controlling provisions will be in the group policy issued by The Standard. The group policy contains a detailed description of the limitations, reductions in benefits, exclusions and when The Standard and the employer may increase the cost of coverage, amend or cancel the policy. A group certificate of insurance that describes the terms and conditions of the group policy is available for employees who become insured according to its terms. For more complete details of coverage, contact your human resources representative.
Standard Insurance Company 1100 SW Sixth Avenue Portland OR 97204
SI 13271-151730-C1 2 of 2 (6/10)