All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 04/23/22 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance. This will include: Human Resources Portal Employee Self Service (ESS) Careers/Recruiting New Hire Documents (EHS) We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi … Continue reading “RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 04/23/22 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM”
Nominations Open for 2022 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards
UPDATE, MAY 16, 2022: We have reached the limit of 4 nominations for each of the categories. No additional nominations will be accepted. NOMINATE YOUR PROJECT STAFF FOR THE 2022 RCUH OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEES OF THE YEAR AWARDS RECOGNITIONS Three award categories are available: Researcher/Project Manager (exempt status position) Project Support Staff (non-exempt status position) Team … Continue reading “Nominations Open for 2022 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards”
Update, May 9, 2022: The deadline is extended to May 16, 2022. Licensed attorneys who wish to provide specialized legal services to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi (RCUH) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2022, are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications and Expression of Interest (SOQ) to RCUH pursuant … Continue reading “NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS INTERESTED IN PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES TO THE RESEARCH CORPORATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI”
Intramural and Revolving Account Renewals
To: Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators The continuation of intramural and/or revolving accounts beyond their termination date require a renewal request. If your account is expiring on June 30, 2022, RCUH Project Administration will email you the renewal instructions in mid-April. It is highly recommended that you submit the renewal request(s) as soon as possible; … Continue reading “Intramural and Revolving Account Renewals”
RCUH Financial Portal Down: Friday, February 4, 2022, 4:00 p.m. to Saturday, February 5, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
The RCUH Financial Portal will be down for system maintenance on Friday, February 4, 2022, 4:00 p.m. (HST) to Saturday, February 5, 2022, 6:00 p.m. (HST). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.