RCUH Policies and Procedures
See what life could look like in retirement
How will you spend your time in retirement?
Visit with family, travel, indulge your love of a favorite activity like yoga, swimming or hiking?
When you visit Preparing for Retirement at TIAA.org/pfr, you get access to a wealth of insights
and resources to help you navigate the road ahead. You can also log in, answer a few
questions and get a Retirement Profile to help you start planning for the retirement you want.
Explore a range of retirement topics
Preparing for Retirement offers in-depth articles on key retirement topics, such as how to set
up an income plan, Social Security claiming strategies, considerations for leaving a legacy
and more. You can view examples of income plans and learn the step-by-step considerations
for building your own. And, you can hear from real people who share their experiences of
what’s worked for them in retirement.
What is a Retirement Profile?
It takes your preferences into account—like where you want to live and how you want to
spend your time—to give you a picture of what your life in retirement might look like and how
much income you may need. You can even watch a short video to see how it works.
To get your Retirement Profile
Visit TIAA.org/pfr
Need a TIAA online account login?
You’ll need one to get your Profile. Visit TIAA.org/register to register.
To get advice or information
Call 888-583-2535