RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
2.102 Request for Information
I. Method to Request Information
A Request for Information (RFI) is a method of soliciting information from vendors about their products or services. RFIs are used primarily as a planning tool. The RFI is an optional method that may be used to help a Project obtain the necessary information to prepare a complete and accurate solicitation document.
RFIs are used to identify industry standards, best practices, potential performance measures, cost or price structures, and to generally ascertain the level of interest of prospective vendors. A preliminary solicitation document (such as a preliminary Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation for Bid (IFB)) which provides an initial description of the program objectives and specifications usually accompanies an RFI for review by potential vendors. Projects may use the information derived from the responses to finalize their solicitation document. Projects are not required to incorporate any of the comments or suggestions made by the potential vendor, but the hope is that the vendor will provide useful information in the IFB/RFP development process.
RFIs are also used when a large or complicated purchase is being considered and the potential pool of suppliers must be pre-qualified. In this case, the RFI is a questionnaire or inquiry into the vendors’ background, and is used to determine if the vendors meet the minimum standards needed to successfully bid on the project.
Contact RCUH Procurement for assistance in determining whether an RFI is an appropriate option.
II. Responsibilities
A. Principal Investigator
Develop an RFI with guidance from the Fiscal Administrator and RCUH Procurement.
B. Fiscal Administrator
Work with Principal Investigator and RCUH Procurement in finalizing the RFI.
III. Relevant Documents
Policy 2.104 Request for Proposal Policy 2.105 Invitation for Bid
Date Revised: 2/02/2017