RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
2.408 Claims of Loss or Damage to RCUH Property
I. Overview
The State of Hawai‘i Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) administers the State Risk Management Revolving Fund (State Fund) under Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 41D, which provides coverage for loss or damage to State property, including property in its care, custody, or control, resulting from theft, fire, and other casualties. The coverage provided by the State Fund includes paying for losses incurred as a result of the dishonesty, nonfeasance, or misfeasance of any State officer or employee. However, property in transit (whether airborne or waterborne) and property outside of the U.S. and its territories are not covered by the State Fund.
The State Fund, which consists of a self-insured retention fund and excess insurance coverage, finances claims for loss or damage to State property as determined by the DAGS Risk Management Office.
Effective July 1, 2007, the Risk Management Office implemented a $5,000 deductible on preventable theft or loss of equipment. Preventable losses are those that the agency can control and prevent. The objective of the deductible is to hold agencies accountable for their losses and to encourage them to take preventative measures. Examples of preventable losses include those caused by the following:
1. Leaving doors unlocked;
2. Leaving keys in a car;
3. Misplacing equipment resulting in its loss;
4. Overloading electrical outlets and power surge protectors resulting in fire; or
5. Leaving equipment (e.g., fan) on at the end of the day.
Each incident of theft or loss of equipment will be investigated to determine if the loss was preventable. If the State Risk Management Office determines that the loss could have been prevented, the $5,000 deductible will be applied.
II. Responsibilities
A. Principal Investigator
1. Ensure that losses and damages are promptly reported and documented.
2. Cooperate in all investigations.
III. Procedure in the Event of Loss or Damage
A. The Project must notify the respective Security Office, if applicable, and the police
department of all criminal acts resulting in the loss of, or damage to, RCUH property.
B. A completed Form RMP-001 Report of Loss or Damage of State Property, must be submitted to the RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager within ten (10) working days of discovering the loss or damage; refer to Form RMP-001 Instructions.
1. Part 1 of the form is prepared by the employee or the supervisor of the employee who discovered the loss or damage.
2. Parts 2 and 3 of the form are prepared by the immediate supervisor having authority or control over the lost or damaged property.
Further information may be requested to assist in the investigation and settlement of the claim.
C. The RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager will review all forms and forward them to the DAGS Risk Management Office for review and evaluation.
D. The Project will be notified when the claim has been reviewed, and if replacement or restoration of the property will be financed by the State Fund.
IV. Relevant Documents
Date Revised: 2/02/2017
Form RMP-001 Instructions
Form RMP-001 Report of Loss or Damage of State Property UH AP 8.400 Risk Management Guidelines and Procedures