RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
4.103 RCUH Reports – Budget Category Review
I. Overview
The Budget Category Review provides detail transaction information for a specific project for prior months.
For detail transaction information for the current month, refer to Policy 4.104 RCUH Reports – Detail of Cost Report.
For UH Extramural projects, the Budget Category Review report only includes transactions processed in the RCUH financial system and it does not include transactions processed or posted in UH KFS (i.e. UH Payroll, UH Pcard, indirect costs assessments, etc.). For all transactions posted to the project, refer to Policy 4.121 UH Project Fiscal Reports – KFS Monthly Expenditures Report.
II. Procedures
A. In RCUH Reports – Project Reports, select Report Name: Budget Category Review.
B. Enter the project number in the Project Number field (i.e. 0001234).
C. To review all budget categories, select “All Budget Category”.
D. To review specific budget categories, select “Specific Budget Category(s)” and enter up to four budget category codes.
E. The Budget Category Review defaults to report information for the most recently completed month. To review another prior month or a range of prior months, enter the desired period as MM/YYYY – MM/YYYY (i.e. to review June 2016, enter 06/2016 – 06/2016. To review July 2016 to June 2017, enter 07/2016 – 06/2017)
F. Click on the “Retrieve Report” button.
G. To download a data file of this report (in .csv format), click on the “Download” link that is next to the report title.
III. Contents
A. Transaction (Trans) Code
The two digit transaction code is used to identify the document or transaction type in the RCUH financial system.
B. Sub Project
Not used.
C. Budget Category (B/C)
Separate budget categories are assigned to account for each type of expenditure. These categories are based on standard budget categories for common expenditures and non-standard budget categories to record costs specific to the financial or program requirements of the project. Refer to Policy 4.010 Chart of Accounts.
D. SubB/C
Not used.
E. Purchase Order (PO) Number
1. For PO payments, this is the applicable PO number.
2. For Non PO payments and other transactions, this will be blank.
F. Vendor Name
1. For payroll transactions, this will be “PRGL”.
2. For PO payment and Non PO payments, this is the applicable vendor name.
3. For other transactions, this is the short description of the transaction (i.e. cash receipt project control number, journal entry description, or other internal reference).
G. Description
1. For payroll transactions, GRPEMMDDYY indicates Salaries and Wages for the pay period ending MMDDYY, and FBPEMMDDYY indicates Fringe Benefits for the pay period ending MMDDYY.
2. For PO payments, this will be blank.
3. For Non PO payments, this is the user entered value in the Description field on the payment form.
4. For cash receipt transactions, this is the deposit date (MMDDYY).
5. For journal entry transactions, this is the applicable JE number.
H. DocumentDate
1. For payroll transactions, this is the pay period ending date.
2. For PO payments, this is the date the PO payment was approved by the fiscal administrator in the RCUH Financial Portal, or this is the service date if a service date is entered in the payment form.
3. For Non PO payments and cash receipt transactions, this will be blank or this is the service date if a service date is entered.
4. For journal entry transactions, this is the batch date.
I. Check Date
1. For PO payments and Non PO payments, this is the applicable check date.
2. For other transactions, this will be blank.
J. Check #
1. For PO payments and Non PO payments, this is the applicable check number.
2. For other transactions, this will be blank.
K. Amount
This is the transaction amount.
IV. Relevant Documents
Policy 4.010 Chart of Accounts
Policy 4.104 RCUH Reports – Detail of Cost Report
Policy 4.121 UH Project Fiscal Reports – KFS Monthly Expenditures Report
Date Revised: 05/15/2017